Presented by Fr. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm.
The Carmelite Rule calls a person to "Live in allegiance to Jesus Christ with a pure heart and stout conscience." As members of the Carmelite Family we have accepted this as our call. Now, that question is "How do we live out that call to allegiance in our daily lives?" This talk will address tools for discernment from within the Carmelite tradition and why we need to cultivate and utilize these tools as it relates to our prayer and ministerial lives. FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES (For other countries please contact director@carmelstream.org)
Fr. Stephen describes what the virtue of friendship meant to St. Teresa. He states, "affability or friendliness is one of the hallmarks of a genuine Teresian vocation." In particular, he uses the deep friendship between St. Teresa and Jerome Gracian as the ultimate example of the meaning of friendship. Includes Part 1 & 2. FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES (For other countries please contact director@carmelstream.org)
SEVEN SESSIONS w/ Fr. Leopold Glueckert, O.Carm
This Course traces the development of the Carmelite family from the earliest times until about 1500. This is the story of the Carmelite community and its utterly unique spirituality, born in the desert, but flourishing in an urban environment.
Includes Study Notes Booklet
ROOTS OF MONASTIC LIFE AND THE MEDIEVAL VITA APOSTOLICA This session will trace the roots of spirituality through early centuries of Christianity to include what motivated the monastic life, the development of cities and the shift of spirituality and the development of lay hermits and mendicant orders.
Includes online and downloadable version of Study Notes.
Individual DVD: $20.00 Complete Part I Set: $220 (Save $20)
This session will show the origins, hopes and characteristics of the hermits, how the Crusades are to come about, the Rule of Carmel.Includes online and downloadable version of Study Notes.
Individual DVD: $20.00 Complete Part I Set: $220 (Save $20)
This session will describe the decline of the Crusades after 1187, the Carmelites seek recognition and the ratification of their Rule, the transition from Mount Carmel to the the cities of Europe and what life becomes in commercial towns.Includes online and downloadable version of Study Notes.
Individual DVD: $20.00 Complete Part I Set: $220 (Save $20)