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  • God as Parent: From the writings and lived experiences of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.

    Presented by Fr. Mikhail Woodruffe, O.Carm.

    Referencing the life experience and writings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, this webinar aims to invite the participant to learn and reflect on one’s developed image of God as parent. The Carmelite tradition presents a number of well respected figures whose writings show their image of God using parental language. Some of these figures lost their parents at a young age, as seen in Thérèse’s loss of her mother at the age of four and her father years later while she was in the convent of Lisieux. This webinar will explore this connection between parental experiences and images of God, especially looking at the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, “the Little Flower” as we celebrate her Feast Day that very week. FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES (For other countries please contact
  • Presented by Fr. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm. The Carmelite Rule calls a person to "Live in allegiance to Jesus Christ with a pure heart and stout conscience." As members of the Carmelite Family we have accepted this as our call. Now, that question is "How do we live out that call to allegiance in our daily lives?" This talk will address tools for discernment from within the Carmelite tradition and why we need to cultivate and utilize these tools as it relates to our prayer and ministerial lives. FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES (For other countries please contact
  • Presented by Fr. John Welch, O.Carm Our duties in life can leave us scattered and fragmented. Being busy is not the problem. What is missing may be a true center in our lives. St. Augustine confessed to God, "You were inside; I was outside. You were with me; I was not with you."  To have an interior life is to pay attention to the God who accompanies our journey through life. Carmelâ's saints have explored this relationship. They tell us that our lives are a story of God's mercies. This webinar will identify some of the contributions Carmel's saints have made to our understanding of an interior life, a spiritual life. Carmel attests to the possibility of having a centered life of prayer which orders and prioritizes all that is outside." FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES (For other countries please contact
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