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About Fran Horner

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So far Fran Horner has created 14 blog entries.



Psalm 1:2—3 “Blessed is the one…who meditates on the law of the Lord day and night; He shall be like a tree planted by streams of water; whose fruit does not fail and whose leaf does not wither…” Ephesians 3:14-19. “I kneel before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes [...]


The Sower


  Fall:  1981   The golden, brownish reddish,  orange leaves, though withering, bear hidden life— In panoramic beauty, Their splendor for our pleasure, As they fall from stalwart  trees in Autumn-tide We gather them up in piles— For cozy fires, warm.   We pluckkand fill our baskets full with nuts, pumpkins apples— Plentiful fruit, Rreadily [...]

The Sower2014-02-25T16:19:47-05:00

Song of Bread


Song of Bread Bread, good wholesome, Wondrous… bread,   Coming from the gracious earth, Wheat and water, salt and grain—To Feed and nourish us.   Mixing kneading, rising loaf, Baking, breaking sharing all; Warmth and laughter, love and beauty For the hungry heart.   Bread, Fulfillment, o come down! Daily Bread to strengthen us… Love [...]

Song of Bread2016-11-11T16:39:35-05:00



Silence   Often, it seems to me, that as human beings, we fight against the very things in life that are the most valuable gifts to us or the best roads for us to walk on.   We may always want our lives to be different, always wanting something we do not have, but that [...]




Silver “When the sun falls on the silver, It heightens my gaze, And brightens my eyes…” Here are some lines from a poem I wrote many years ago—it has to be about twenty-five years ago now—   As I remember, I wrote it when all of a sudden, in the middle of a cold drab [...]


An Orange


An Orange by Song of Light (Lindy Morelli) With all that has been tragically happening in Haiti, in Syria, and in the many other troubled places in the world, I was feeling their pain somehow, if I could even presume to say such a thing. I was picturing all the people on the streets in [...]

An Orange2014-02-25T16:19:32-05:00

Baltimore Carmel Announces 2015 Events


The Carmelite Nuns in Baltimore are planning a year-long program of events to celebrate the 5th Centenary of Saint Teresa's Birth. The program will be introduced with a lecture by Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury and noted Teresian scholar, on April 4, 2014. The formal opening of the program will take place the weekend [...]

Baltimore Carmel Announces 2015 Events2016-11-11T16:39:36-05:00

American Provincial Named Bursar General


The Carmelite Media Office for the Most Pure Heart of Mary Province has announced that Prior Provincial Carl Joseph Markelz, O. Carm., has been elected Bursar General of the Carmelite Order for a term of six years. Click here to read the official press release. The Carmelite Institute congratulates Fr. Carl on this honor and [...]

American Provincial Named Bursar General2013-09-12T14:20:41-04:00
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