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The Glorious Saint Joseph


By Sr. Helena of Mary   Devotion to St. Joseph was a hallmark of St. Teresa of Avila.  Teresa attributed her miraculous cure to Saint Joseph.  When she was living in the Incarnation Convent in Avila, she was struck with an ailment that left her half-dead.  She was paralyzed and was presumed dead at one [...]

The Glorious Saint Joseph2016-11-11T16:39:34-05:00

Sr. Helena of Mary, O.Carm.


 A Daughter of Saint Teresa  It is a bold statement to claim to be a daughter of the Great Saint Teresa!   But it is not so bold when one gets to know our Foundress, Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, who had such great devotion and admiration for this great woman of faith and mission, that she [...]

Sr. Helena of Mary, O.Carm.2016-11-11T16:39:35-05:00

Joyce W.


I'm a Catholic and a lay Carmelite because of St. Teresa.  I have her name as my confirmation name. Twenty years ago I was in a religious bookstore and saw a book called simply Life, and it was by St. Teresa.  Something, of course it was the Holy Spirit, made me pick it up and [...]

Joyce W.2016-11-11T16:39:35-05:00

Teresa Horlocker


I have been a daughter of Teresa since my mother placed me with her at my baptism. Since then, she has guided my feet along the way of perfection, keeping my eyes fixed on the Crucified One. She died a daughter of the Church. Through God's grace and her help, I pray that I may [...]

Teresa Horlocker2016-11-11T16:39:35-05:00

Dr. Jim Bryan, T.O. Carm


I am a brother of Teresa, brother in finding a vocation within a vocation after years of living life, brother to build a hermitage in the backyard, just to pray and praise brother who laughs and dances and sings to The Glory.   a brother seeking reform and a new zeal for the Rule loving the [...]

Dr. Jim Bryan, T.O. Carm2016-11-11T16:39:35-05:00

Teresa of Avila: Daughter of the Church


By Susan A. Muto, Ph.D. Many and varied are the ways in which one can live a life of dedication to Jesus, of unswerving service to him, as our Divine Master, and to his Bride, the Church. At the basis of all that we do must be who we are as women and men [...]

Teresa of Avila: Daughter of the Church2016-11-11T16:39:42-05:00

The Mystical Pathway to Peace, By Megan Don


“It is in your power to live and to die with this peace.” - Teresa of Avila   Our society is fraught with conflict, be it political, religious or personal.  It might even be said that we, as a human race, thrive on conflict, as it seems to be a precursor to our growth and change.  [...]

The Mystical Pathway to Peace, By Megan Don2016-11-11T16:39:42-05:00
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