Vilma Seelaus Prize for Carmelite Writing
2014-06-23T08:24:15-04:00How do these current events affect your Carmelite Identity? Write about it and submit a paper for the Vilma Seelaus Prize for Carmelite Writing. Click here for more information.
How do these current events affect your Carmelite Identity? Write about it and submit a paper for the Vilma Seelaus Prize for Carmelite Writing. Click here for more information.
Silver “When the sun falls on the silver, It heightens my gaze, And brightens my eyes…†Here are some lines from a poem I wrote many years ago—it has to be about twenty-five years ago now— As I remember, I wrote it when all of a sudden, in the middle of a cold drab [...]
An Orange by Song of Light (Lindy Morelli) With all that has been tragically happening in Haiti, in Syria, and in the many other troubled places in the world, I was feeling their pain somehow, if I could even presume to say such a thing. I was picturing all the people on the streets in [...]
October 29 – November 12 The Carmelite Institute invites you to join noted Carmelite Scholars Daniel Chowning, OCD, Steven Payne, OCD, Patrick McMahon, O. Carm. on an immersive journey into the heart and homeland of Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint and Doctor of the Church. This travelling seminar will include presentations, prayer services and conversation [...]
Classic audio conferences from Carmelite Institute Symposia and Programs are being made available online at, the Carmelite Institute announced today. The first series being posted is by Kevin Culligan, cod on John of the Cross, given at the 1995 Intra-Carmelite Formation Program. The first two lectures are now available and future lectures will be [...]
The Carmelite Institute announces the annual Vilma Seelaus, ocd, Prize for Carmelite Writing. The Seelaus prize will be awarded for the best new piece of writing submitted on the subject of Carmelite Spirituality. Carmelite Studies How can Carmelite Spirituality speak to the contemporary world? What does this centuries-old spirituality have to offer young people today? [...]