
On account of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis in the bull, Misericordia Vultus (April 11, 2015) the Pontifical Council for the promotion of new evangelisation has been publishing a series of aids to help local churches in their celebration of the jubilee. In the sixth publication, under the title, “The Saints in Mercy”, the council offers a series of figures that may give inspiration in living out this fundamental dimension of faith. Among others, the Pontifical Council proposes two carmelite figures,  the witness of St. Therese of Lisieux (under the title of “Gratitude for the Just and Merciful God”) highlighting the rich teaching of Therese in relation to mercy, and Blessed Titus Brandsma, under the title, “A Strong and Merciful Father”, representing a man  who could combine a strenuous opposition to Naziism with compassion and mercy towards all, including the nurse who gave him the injection that took his life away.
May Blessed Titus, St. Therese and all the saints of Carmel help us to accept this special year in the life of the Church with joy and commitment.