2021 Virtual Symposium Presentations
Unmute the videos below to play a brief summary of the presentation. Click the SPEAKER NAME or READ MORE to watch the full video.
Introduction and Mass
Opening Mass & Morning Prayer from National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Middletown, NY
Opening Remarks
Presenters: Remarks from Fr. Miceal O'Neill, O.Carm Fr. Saverio Cannistra, OCD
Fr. Bonaventure Saeur, OCD
At the Foot of the Cross-the Cross as a Place of Contemplative, Non-Violent Resistance
Sr. Jane Remson, O. Carm
The Work of the Carmelite NGO
Evening Prayer
Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm Germantown, NY
Feast of Elijah
Morning Prayer & Mass
Presider: Fr. Nepi Willemsen, O.Carm.
Cardinal Anders Arborelius, OCD
Ecclesial Dimension of Contemplative Prayer
Sr. Jo Robson, OCD
Inward and Outwards: Teresian Prayer for a World in Flames
Fr. Gregory Houck, O.Carm
CyberCarmel: Tips on Effectively Promoting the Charism and Your Community to a Gen Z World (aka, Social Media for Dummies!)
Carmelite Sisters of Baltimore
Evening Prayer
El Carmelo Retreat House
Mass & Morning Prayer
Bishop Silvio Baez, OCD
Reflection on Prophetic Nature of Carmel
Theresa Thomas, OCDS
Prayer, Prophecy and Presence: One Woman's View from the Pew
Q&A Session
Final Q&A Session with Symposium Speakers Panel
Fr. Steven Payne, OCD
Closing Prayer Service