By Sister Helena of Mary, O.Carm.


In our Catholic liturgical calendar, the Lenten season opened with Ash Wednesday. I have never been to a desert. I have never seen one. I don’t believe this to be a unique experience. I have seen nice pictures of deserts, with sand and sun capturing the play of darkness and light, and they have awakened in me a deep sense of the transcendent and mysterious. But I don’t think I would even try to visit a place like that even if the opportunity arises!


But the desert is often synonymous with the Season of Lent. I would guess because a desert embodies visions of solitude, silence, deprivations and purifications. Early in our Christian history, even at present, some individuals sought God in earnest and were inspired to “leave the world” and fled to the desert so as to encounter the Supernatural there. They sought solitude and silence to better hear what God had to say to them. They embraced the deprivations of that cruel place to tame the body and to bring it under the control of the spirit. But more often than not, one also meets someone else in the desert- one‘s self. You know the saying “you can run from the world, even run from the devil, but you can never run from yourself.” And it’s interesting to note that the best stranger we can meet in life is one’s self.


The Lenten season is a time to do a spiritual inventory. We are invited to take a serious and closer look at ourselves in the light of the teachings of Jesus and to make an assessment on where we stand in the spiritual journey. I do not mean here an unhealthy preoccupation with our spiritual profile but an honest approach to gain more self-knowledge. In my opinion, Lent is not a time to cut down on the carbohydrates and sweets just to make us feel good about doing something for Lent. It is healthy, I agree, but not an acceptable supernatural motive. Sadly, even among good people, Lent is turned into “a good time to diet.” I liken Lent to a big sale. If we are patient enough and diligent enough to browse around our spiritual nooks and crannies, we may find something worthy our time and attention. During a big sale, those endowed with a flair for shopping may patiently endure the crowd and traffic for what they consider a worthy cause.  If we are honest, we know that our lives and minds are filled with unhealthy distractions and preoccupations, inordinate attachments and frantic activities bordering on neurosis. We are often times left exhausted and drained. But if we find the patience and goodwill to sort through the confusing heap of activities, we might obtain the grace to see the pearl of great price hidden in the midst of them.


For example, why do we work frantically and slavishly like there is no tomorrow? Is it for the glory of God or a hidden self-satisfaction of knowing that nobody else can do a better job? Why do we feel angered when someone disagrees with our opinions? Is it because we love the truth or because we think we are often right basing only on our training, education and authority? Why do we feel offended when someone else takes the initiative of performing an act of charity? Is it true love of service or is it because helping others makes us feel superiorly good? In other words, what motivates us and our good actions? What is the fuel that drives our engine?


These are hard questions to ask ourselves but, more accurately, hard questions to honestly answer. The effort of being honest can shatter our imaginary sense of spiritual security and importance. But this is the inevitable consequence of dying to self and following Jesus. He came so that we may be full of life. We have to give up what is not life-giving and open ourselves to a transfusion of grace that only comes to those who are willing, courageous and humble enough to receive it. But before we can give anything up, we have to name it and own it. This is part of the reason for Lent. After going through this spiritual exercise we will experience the joy of rising with Our Lord at Easter.


The journey to self-knowledge is both exciting and disconcerting. But it is the science of the Saints. It is the door to true life. It is both an acquired skill and an infused gift by the Holy Spirit. We are never able to completely know ourselves and purify ourselves however much we try, according to St. John of the Cross, but we can lay the ground works and do our part. God will eventually finish the job of purification and transformation so that we can be the person he created us to be.  Saint Teresa wisely noted that in looking at ourselves, we must not remain there.  We must immediately turn our gaze back to Jesus.  Why did she say that?  Because there is a danger that in looking too much at our miseries and imperfections, we would fall into discouragement and despair.  But fixing our gaze on Jesus on the Cross, we are reminded that He already knows what kind of person we are but still loves us and went to die for us.  Then are we made to understand that the Heart of God is all merciful.  Realizing this, our hearts are engulfed in love, and we are moved to love Him back.  “Love is repaid by love alone,” says St. John of the Cross.  And John also said, “I look at your Cross, O Christ, and I see there the song of your love.”

Lent is a beautiful time given us by the Church.  It is a great gift of God’s mercy.  Let us not receive it in vain.  “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”